Purpose and Values


Love God Fully

Love Others Deeply



At CCC, our core values act as guiding principles to help us accomplish our purpose.

  • Gracious Acceptance: Having experienced God's love, our challenge is to extend gracious acceptance to the people God brings into our lives. It is our desire to follow the example of Jesus who walked past cultural, relational and religious boundaries to graciously accept people very different from him. 
  • Healthy Relationships: We're designed for relationships. Unfortunately, our life experience is filled with broken and shattered relationships. We are committed to walk toward the cultivation of healthy, growing relationships that balance grace and truth. 
  • Purposeful Serving: Serving looks different to each and every person, based on his or her God-given gifts. We will explore with you God's unique design and purpose for your life and then help you express that by serving others both inside and outside the local church. 
  • Intentional Rhythms: All of life exists with rhythm. From the changing of the seasons to our heartbeat, everything has a sense of rhythm. God's design is for us to have rhythms of silence, time with him, activity and engagement and then rest through honoring the Sabbath. 
  • Forward Movement: To walk forward in our faith journey often requires us to turn around and carefully process the life we have experienced. In going backwards, God can give us clarity about the story that he is writing throughout our lives, enabling us to live out the purpose he has for us.