Birth through age 5

In the first five years of life, a child forms impressions about themselves and the world around them.  That is true about their experience at church as well.  Their experience at church in their first few years of life builds a foundation for their view of God and the church.


In our birth through crawlers environment our littlest ones are provided love and care as they form their first impressions of church.  A mom’s room is available for nursing mothers. This is a room located within the Birth-Crawlers environment.

In our walkers through age 2 environment we begin to introduce weekly Bible lessons as well as times of play with their peers and our volunteers.  

Three to five year olds are full of energy and imagination! They could pretend play all day long. In our 3-5’s environment we love to capitalize on those awesome traits as well as teach them about a God who made them and loves them. Each week they have a Bible story as well as engage in activities and crafts based on the lesson. 

When kids leave mogoland we hope they have begun to understand these three basic truths: God Made Me, God Loves Me, and Jesus Wants to be My Friend Forever.


laura eberly

Ministry Leader