First day of school. Learning to play an instrument. Losing a first tooth. Playing on a sports team. Each of these moments are common elementary experiences and our Studio 252 volunteers have the opportunity to celebrate these occasions with our elementary students.
In Studio 252, kindergartners through 4th graders enjoy large group learning and small group activities. In large group, kids worship together and learn more about how God wants us to live through engaging lessons from the Bible. Studio 252 small group leaders bring together relationships, fun, and life application of the lesson every Sunday morning with our kindergarten through 4th graders!
Our name, Studio 252, highlights the verse Luke 2:52 which is the basis for how we love God and others. Out of this verse comes the three things we emphasize in the years kids are in this environment. And Jesus grew in wisdom (I need to make the wise choice), and stature, and favor with God (I can trust God no matter what) and man (I should treat others the way I want to be treated).
Diane Martin
Large Group Director
Holly Martin
Small Group Coach